Highland Park organizations collaborate to provide care packages for migrants arriving from Texas

Buses from Texas have been transporting migrants to the suburbs since Chicago implemented rules restricting when and where unscheduled drop-offs can happen. Some individuals arriving on these buses have little more than the clothes they are wearing.

Now, organizations in Highland Park are collaborating to distribute care packages to asylum seekers.

"We're happy to take any clothing that can support these families as well. That's something that we know we're partnering with some other organizations that might be having more of a coat drive or more of a heavy weather coat-weather clothing drive," said Brad Swanson, Vice President of Service and Learning Together.

Additionally, Swanson says the intention behind the "Take Care" packages is to give migrants a sense of care and love from the community.

Information on how you can help is available on their website, saltservice.org.

Migrants in ChicagoHighland ParkNews