Hundreds turn out to thank Virginia UPS driver for deliveries, kindness: 'He makes you feel like a friend'
Anthony Gaskins was touched by the sweet gesture. (Lexi Hanrahan Photography)
A heartfelt gesture was delivered to a Virginia UPS driver last week.
Anthony Gaskins was moved to tears when members of a community in Chesterfield County banded together to thank him for his reported record number of daily deliveries – over 180 – during the coronavirus crisis.
"I wanted to thank him personally for how much he helped me feel welcome when I moved in during a pandemic. It was terribly lonely and he was always the highlight of my day. Mentioning this to a few people and the response I got was all I needed to know I was not alone," Hallsley neighbor Patty Friedman wrote in an email, FOX 13 shared.
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Video from the homeowner’s Ring camera captured the meaningful gesture on Dec. 12 in Michigan. Credit -Amanda LeCureaux via Storyful
To show how much his hard work meant to the neighbors, hundreds lined the road where Gaskins drives with signs and banners thanking him for all he does.
"Arriving on bikes, on foot, and in more than 75 cars, hundreds of Hallsley residents lined the road and waited for Anthony to turn the corner," she wrote. "A humble man, he needed to be coaxed, but eventually, slowly drove his truck down the road while children and adults held up signs, screamed his name, honked their horns, and rang bells."

Hundreds of members of the community turned out to celebrate the delivery worker. (Lexi Hanrahan Photography)
Those who turned out to show their support and gratitude for the UPS driver explained Gaskins always "delivers our packages with a wave and a smile."
"Anthony always smiles, waves, and goes above and beyond to deliver packages with care," a neighbor wrote, FOX 13 reported. "He makes you feel like a friend when you see him. He brightens our day, whenever he drops off a package, which is frequently at our house! He stands out from ALL other delivery drivers and we love him! Cheers to Anthony!"

Gaskins delivered some words to the group and then went back to work. (Lexi Hanrahan Photography)
Another neighbor shared an emotional story, writing their six-year-old daughter "hasn’t seen either set of grandparents in over a year" and many of the items Gaskins delivers are from the grandparents while they are unable to physically be together.
"The joy the packages bring makes it worthwhile. Thank you for always delivering them with a kind smile and a friendly wave!" the person wrote.
The sweet moment brought the driver to tears. Though, after delivering a few words, he reportedly returned right back to work, delivering packages to those who need them.