Illinois man training to become Yorkville community service officer arrested on child pornography charges

Mogos, 20 (Kendall County Sheriffs Office)

A community service officer in training for the Yorkville Police Department was arrested on child pornography charges this week.

Radu A. Mogos, 20, has been charged with one count of distribution of child pornography, one count of reproduction of child pornography and 10 counts of possession of child pornography.

According to police, investigators with the Yorkville Police Department received a tip on Oct. 24 from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children regarding Mogos being in possession of child pornography.

Investigators executed a search warrant at his residence based on the tip which resulted in the finding of illegal materials. Mogos was then arrested Friday.

Prior to receiving the tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Mogos was in training as a community service officer with the Yorkville Police Department, officials said.

When the department was made aware of the allegations against Mogos, he was removed from service and resigned from his position.

Officials say he was employed by the Yorkville Police Department for less than six weeks.

Mogos was set to appear in bond court on Saturday.