Local nonprofit gives free shopping spree to community members for stylish cause

When you hear someone say, "Aren't you dressed to the nines?" you can't help but smile, right? 

On Sunday, a local organization welcomed the entire community to a free shopping spree. Not only to help them look good, but feel greater and prepare for greatness. 

Jacqueline Montanez dropped everything so her nephew could have a one-of-a-kind experience. 

Joshua is on the autism spectrum. On Sunday, he suited up and thanks to the "I Am A Gentleman" organization, it was free of charge. 

"He has never had anything like this…," said Montanez.

Shirts, tie, shoes, accessories, and more – you'll find it at the Project Gentleman Image and Grooming studio on the South Side. 

"It's amazing to see the smiles on these faces after these young men, after these adult men, tie their tie. How do they put on a brand-new suit? And that's what we want them to do. We want them to know that we believe in them," said Jermaine Lawrence Anderson, the organization's executive director and founder.

The nonprofit organization is committed to helping men of all ages see their full potential and for many, it starts with what they see in the mirror. 

So what brought Joshua out? He's got some big milestones coming up, including his birthday next month. 

I Am A Gentleman helps high school graduates with what comes next. The nonprofit also helps the formerly incarcerated re-enter society. 

The program exposes teens to positive role models too. 

You can learn more about I Am A Gentleman at its website here
