Asylum seekers welcomed at Lunar New Year luncheon
Lunar New Year luncheon held in Chicago
Chicago's Asian community is celebrating the Lunar New Year by welcoming a number of migrant asylum seekers.
CHICAGO - Chicago's Asian community is celebrating the Lunar New Year by welcoming a number of migrant asylum seekers.
A first-of-its-kind Lunar New Year luncheon was held Saturday at an Asian restaurant in the city's Edgewater neighborhood.
Among the invited guests were many migrants who are being housed at Edgewater's Broadway Armory.
Asian-American political leaders say it's important that established immigrant communities offer a helping hand to those just arriving.
"We want to welcome our new arrivals, so thank you for being here. Welcome to the United States. Welcome to Chicago. We love you. We want you to succeed – that is what we all want too. We all want to succeed and we want you to succeed too," said Alderman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth.
Also on hand were State Comptroller Susana Mendoza and Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias.