New report reveals dangerous levels of arsenic in some infant rice cereal
Shocking new report reveals dangerous levels of arsenic in infant rice cereal
A shocking new report reveals dangerous levels of arsenic in infant rice cereal.
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. - A shocking new report reveals dangerous levels of arsenic in infant rice cereal.
The report was made public as Congress works to reduce the amount of toxic metals in baby foods.
Three popular brands of infant rice cereal were tested in January by Consumer Reports.
The study found levels of inorganic arsenic that are below the Food and Drug Administration threshold, but are still considered toxic by doctors.
The brands tested included Gerber Single-Grain Rice Cereal, Gerber Organic Single-Grain Rice Cereal and Earth’s Best Organic Rice Cereal.
Illinois Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi proposed legislation last year that would reduce levels of toxic metals in baby food.
Yet, he says baby food manufacturers have refused to act.
"We also are pressing the FDA to in a regulatory manner, reduce those toxins right now. I think this is all the more reason why left to themselves, they're not going to do anything. So that is why we have to act," said Congressman Krishnamoorthi.
Krishnamoorthi is hopeful the Baby Food Safety Act will be voted on this year.
Congress is currently working with the FDA to establish safe levels of heavy metals to be allowed in baby foods.