Reaction pours in after Pritzker's 2026 budget proposal: 'We have our work cut out for us'

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Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker lays out 2026 budget proposal

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker gave his budget address on Wednesday in Springfield to lay out his plan on how to close a more than $3 billion spending gap.

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker delivered his highly anticipated budget address on Wednesday in Springfield, laying out his strategy to address a significant budget shortfall of more than $3 billion. 

In his speech, the governor provided details on how his administration plans to balance the state’s finances while prioritizing key investments in areas such as education, infrastructure and public safety.

Following the address, a range of reactions began to emerge from lawmakers, state officials, and various associations across Illinois, each offering their perspectives on the proposed budget. 

Here's a look at what they are saying in response to the governor's plan.


Illinois Manufacturers’ Association 

What they're saying:

Mark Denzler, President & CEO of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association (IMA), which represents manufacturing companies in Illinois, released the following statement. 

"With budgetary pressures only expected to increase, it’s vital Illinois focus on ways to grow the economy, particularly our state’s manufacturing sector. A strong business climate provides stability and sustainability, and we’re encouraged by the Governor’s continued commitment to invest in Illinois manufacturing, including additional resources for workforce training and improving site readiness. At the same time, we must maintain fiscal discipline to avoid revenue shortfalls that negatively impact our state’s ability to foster innovation and create new jobs. Manufacturers are problem solvers, and we stand ready to work in collaboration with policymakers to address challenges, including the need to increase energy generation, improve transmission and streamline permitting, to shape a brighter future."  

State Rep. La Shawn K. Ford

What they're saying:

Ford (D-Chicago) released the following statement after the governor's annual budget address:

"With Washington in a state of recklessness, now more than ever we need to deliver a state budget that understands and prioritizes solutions to the challenges facing families across Illinois. This needs to be a responsible document that strengthens support for our schools, expands access to lifesaving health care and chooses to create real economic opportunity for every community.

"As the chair of the House Appropriations-Higher Education Committee, I’m particularly interested in seeing how we can further support our higher education network to open doors and provide residents more chances to succeed. Our higher education dollars provide significant, long-term economic contributions to this state, and we need to build on this critical investment.

"If we want to create a stronger Illinois, we have to put in the work to uplift every family. Today is the first step of a longer process, and I’m looking forward to the task ahead."

Senate GOP Leader John Curran

What they're saying:

Curran (R-Downers Grove) issued the following statement:

"While Illinois families continue to struggle, I am disappointed that instead of controlling government spending, Gov. Pritzker has once again increased it, introducing a record-breaking $55.4 billion taxpayer-funded budget. His plan raises state spending by an astonishing 37 percent since he took office. Rather than ensuring transparency, it relies on the same gimmicks and job-killing taxes that hurt Illinois’ growth. We remain committed to standing up for taxpayers by demanding accountability and responsible spending to protect vital services throughout this year’s budget process."

Illinois House Minority Leader Tony McCombie 

What they're saying:

McCombie (R-Savanna) echoed Curran's view on the budget, stating:

"Illinois families deserve an honest and transparent government – not one that increases spending by $2 billion and masks a $3.2 billion deficit on paper, setting taxpayers up for a potential tax hike on May 31.

"I promised at the start of the year that House Republicans would expose and oppose poor public policy, and this budget proposal is just that. It won’t grow our tax base; it will continue to punish businesses and hardworking Illinoisans."

Illinois Republican Party Chair Kathy Salvi 

What they're saying:

Salvi described the governor's budget as "nothing more than grandstanding and hypocrisy." 

Her full statement can be read below:

"What we heard today from Governor Pritzker was nothing more than grandstanding and hypocrisy from a politician who has already set his sights on his next pursuit of office. While President Trump is leading from the front, slashing government waste and spending to reduce the tax burden on American families, Governor Pritzker proposed yet another massive spending budget relying on pipe dream projections while lying about President Trump's record in an effort to establish himself on a national stage, leaving Illinois in his wake. We need Republican leadership in this state to cut the bloated spending, reduce the tax burden on our families rather than treat our state like a stepping stone to higher ambitions like Governor Pritzker has."

State Representative John M. Cabello 

What they're saying:

Cabello (R-Machesney Park) issued the following statement regarding Pritzker’s address:

"Today, Governor Pritzker demonstrated just how out of touch he is with the issues facing Illinois residents and taxpayers. He spent his entire address defending the sanctuary state policies that have made our communities less safe, the financial mismanagement that has led to the largest budget in state history, and the failing economy driving thousands of individuals, families, and job creators to other more tax and business friendly markets.

"It’s clear that we have a multi-billionaire Governor who is more interested in running for President and repackaging his failures as successes than fixing the problems facing our exploited residents. Sadly, no amount of clever marketing or personal wealth can save him from the reality that his policies are running this state into the ground. He should resign effective immediately."

Illinois Senate President Don Harmon

What they're saying:

Harmon (D-Oak Park) responded positively to Gov. JB Pritzker’s speech, saying:

"I thought it was a speech for our moment. The governor recognizes that our budget doesn’t exist in a vacuum and is subject to the economic winds in Washington and our place on the greater world stage. We have our work cut out for us, not just balancing Illinois’ budget, but also doing what we can to protect democracy. I applaud the governor for his leadership and look forward to working with him on our shared goals of assembling a balanced, responsible budget and building a better Illinois."

The Illinois Chamber of Commerce

What they're saying:

The Illinois Chamber of Commerce acknowledged the governor's optimistic economic outlook while also raising concerns about unresolved fiscal challenges.

"Governor JB Pritzker presented an optimistic outlook for the Illinois economy during his budget address; however, several fiscal concerns remain unaddressed. The Illinois Chamber of Commerce supports commitments to long-term structural fiscal stability, a strong education system, and forward-thinking investments that promote business growth and new investments in the Land of Lincoln – all with no new taxes.

"We encourage Governor Pritzker and the General Assembly to continue to address the economic and regulatory obstacles that impede job growth in Illinois. Significant budget pressures, including the impending transit cliff, were not addressed in today’s speech and raised concerns for Illinois businesses and taxpayers. For Illinois to take its rightful place as a national economic leader, new policies need to be enacted that support rather than burden job creators.

"While we appreciate the Governor’s efforts to attract new business to Illinois through initiatives like the shovel-ready program, the Chamber will continue to advocate for both lowering the mandated cost of doing business while furthering investment in existing small and medium-sized businesses to help them grow and create jobs for families in Illinois.

"The Illinois Chamber stands ready to work with legislators on both sides of the aisle in the General Assembly and the Governor’s Office to enact pro-Illinois and pro-growth solutions that will not only help attract new businesses but help our small, medium, and large employers continue to thrive."

Democratic Party of Illinois Chair Lisa Hernandez 

What they're saying:

Hernandez expressed strong support for Gov. JB Pritzker’s budget address:

"Governor JB Pritzker once again laid out a vision for our state that working families can trust in. As the White House commits to policies that undermine vital infrastructure and social safety nets, as well as tariffs that can tear into the bank accounts of workers, small businesses and families alike, the Governor made abundantly clear his own commitment to education, health care, infrastructure, public safety, and human services. Democrats across the state will work together to continue improving our finances and invest in budget priorities that move Illinois forward, all while working to protect Illinoisans from a harmful Trump agenda."

Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza

What they're saying:

Mendoza said she welcomes many of the initiatives Pritzker proposed in his budget, saying in part: 

"I think there is a lot to like in the Governor’s proposed budget. We protect the Rainy Day Fund; maintain our core responsibilities to schools, health care and public safety without starting costly new programs; and the proposed budget calls for NO tax hikes.

"The budget is responsible, while addressing the needs of our most vulnerable. This will be a tough year, but I think the Governor and legislature can find a fiscally responsible yet compassionate balance.

"I appreciate the governor proposing a $200 million appropriation to pay past-due IT bills that are costing us interest right now.

"I support the effort to check the power of PBMs and protect our critical small-town and rural independent pharmacies. I support the effort to lower drug prices for Illinois consumers.

"I appreciate the call to let people in small counties vote on whether to consolidate township government.

"I will continue my efforts to pass a law requiring additional deposits into the Rainy Day and Pension Stabilization Funds when the state has good budget years.

"I appreciate the governor’s warning about the potential dangers of indiscriminate federal budget cuts on all of us here in Illinois. We must hope for the best but prepare for the worst."

Illinois House New Democrats Caucus

What they're saying:

State Rep. Terra Costa Howard (D-Lombard), the chair of the Illinois House New Democrats Caucus, released the following statement on the address:

"We value Governor Pritzker’s commitment to protecting our fundamental priorities with a budget that is balanced and responsible. We are especially pleased that this budget proposal keeps spending almost flat while increasing K-12 funding by $350 million, boosting funding to our public universities, and investing in economic growth and jobs. As the governor said, we understand our spending must reflect reality, and that we have to live within our means. As we embark on negotiating the details of this proposal, we are encouraged by the governor’s collaborative tone, and we look forward to working closely with the executive branch to craft a thoughtful, workable final budget."

Chairman Sean Morrison

Morrison called the governor's address ‘divisive,’ saying in part: 

"Governor JB Pritzker’s Budget Address today was not merely an outline of fiscal policy; it was a deeply divisive and inflammatory speech that crossed a dangerous line. Rather than focusing on the pressing economic and social issues facing Illinois, our governor chose to use his platform to launch disgraceful attacks on President Donald Trump and his supporters, likening them to the rise of Nazism in 1930s Germany. This reckless and irresponsible rhetoric is abhorrent and unbefitting of any elected official, let alone the governor of a major state.

"By engaging in such incendiary comparisons, Pritzker not only disrespects the over 2.75 million hardworking Illinoisans who have voted for Trump, but he also trivializes one of history’s darkest chapters. This deliberate attempt to demonize political opponents is a desperate distraction from his own administration’s failures over the past six years."

Illinois State Representative Patrick Sheehan

What they're saying:

Sheehan responded to the address calling it "reckless." He said, in part:

"The Governor’s proposed FY26 budget is the largest in state history, yet it fails to address the $425 million deficit our state faces. The Governor’s revenue assumptions are overly optimistic and include $590 million in additional revenue from statutory changes that haven't even taken effect yet. He also proposes a $2 billion increase in spending, including at least a $150 million increase in illegal migrant spending while failing to account for existing fiscal challenges. This reckless budgeting should concern every Illinois family as it mirrors the same patterns of unsustainable spending we've seen over the past six years.

"House Republicans have a better plan. No new taxes, no more sanctuary state spending, and no more backroom budgeting that shuts the public out of the process. We need transparency, accountability, and policies that prioritize Illinois taxpayers. Illinois families deserve leaders who will fight for them, not burden them with higher taxes to cover up years of fiscal mismanagement."

The Source: Information from this article came from the governor's State of the State Address along with various lawmakers and associations across the state.

J.B. PritzkerNewsIllinoisIllinois Politics