Skokie residents clean up remnants from yesterday's snowstorm

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Skokie residents clean up remnants from yesterday's snowstorm

When the Village of Skokie clears the snow off side streets, they send out the heavy equipment. A front end loader plowed neighborhood streets while residents were hand shoveling their driveways.

When the Village of Skokie clears the snow off side streets, they send out the heavy equipment. A front end loader plowed neighborhood streets while residents were hand shoveling their driveways.

Local perspective:

Skokie resident Tom Hefling is 79 years old. He said he had to brush the snow off two cars, plus shovel his sidewalk and driveway. He is mindful to take breaks when he feels out of breath.

The snow stopped falling before daybreak but the work continued Thursday morning to get around it.

Kelly Wagner drives all day for a living. His personal car, a compact model, is loaded with 500 pounds of sand to keep it from sliding on the street.

"I’ve been in Chicago for 55 years. I’m used to it," Wagner said.

Brecha Ovitsky has three school-aged children who helped her shovel snow. 

"I needed a fun activity for after school so we kind of just all do it together," Ovitsky said.

IDOT trucks spread salt on state roads. The cold temperatures caused snow to pack and make icy areas even on major streets. This snow storm wasn’t the monster that was predicted but it did contribute to spinouts and crashes on county roads and highways. Today, it’s something to move out and then move forward.

Some homeowners said they went out several times to shovel. For many, the snow will still be waiting for them when they get home.

The Source: The information in this story came from interviews with Skokie residents.

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