'The videos speak for themselves': Family attorney says Adam Toledo didn't have a gun in his hand when shot
Toledo family attorneys respond to release of Chicago police fatal shooting video
Video of the fatal Chicago police shooting of Adam Toledo was released to the public, and attorneys for the Toledo family have responded.
CHICAGO - An attorney for the Toledo family spoke out following the release of video footage and materials connected to the fatal Chicago police shooting of Adam Toledo.
"On behalf of the Toledo family, I would like to personally thank you and the community for the outpouring of support that the Toledo's have received," Adeena Weiss Ortiz said. "It has sustained them through this process."
Weiss Ortiz addressed the media and community and said that the "videos speak for themselves."
She also said that Adam did not have a gun in his hand.
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"The officer screamed at him, 'show me your hands!' Adam complied. Turned around. His hands were empty when he was shot in the chest at the hands of the officer," Weiss Ortiz said.
The attorney went on to say that earlier reports that said Adam had a gun in his hand were false.
The videos released on Thursday show the officer shoot Adam in an alley behind Farragut Career Academy High School in Little Village.
Police have said they found a gun at the scene of the shooting and that it was the weapon Adam was holding, but the videos don’t show him throwing the gun. The video seems to show Adam’s hands are empty as he raises them moments before he is shot.
Adam Toledo shooting: Church surveillance camera shows fatal Chicago police shooting of 13-year-old
Video from a nearby church surveillance camera shows Chicago police fatally shooting 13-year-old Adam Toledo.
The officer yells, "police, stop," and then orders him to show his hands. The video shows Adam standing in a large gap in a wooden fence with his side to his officer and what appears to be a gun behind his back.
In a police incident report also released Thursday, the officer who fired the gun was identified as a 34-year-old officer of the 10th District. The officer was hired to CPD in August 2015 and has no civilian complaints filed against him, according to the Citizens Police Data Project.
Adam Toledo receives CPR after being shot by Chicago police
Video released Thursday shows Chicago police giving CPR to 13-year-old Adam Toledo after an officer shot him in the chest.
The incident report says Adam was listed as a "John Doe" between 18 and 25 years old. He was removed from the scene about 5 a.m. to the medical examiner’s office, the report states.
The Sun-Times Media Wire contributed to this report.