Two dogs shocked by electricity while walking on Near North Side, police say

Two dogs were shocked by electricity Saturday while walking in the Near North neighborhood, according to Chicago police.

What we know:

Both incidents occurred in the 600 block of N. Dearborn Street.

Chicago police were first called at 11:45 a.m. after a female caller said her dog was shocked while stepping on a manhole cover during a walk.

The dog was taken to the vet and is in good condition, police said.

The second incident happened at 1:35 p.m., when another dog was shocked during a walk.

The condition of that dog has not been released. 

What's next:

Both incidents took place as snow fell intermittently across the Chicago area Saturday morning and afternoon.  

ComEd and the Department of Electricity responded to the scene and declared the area safe.

The investigation is ongoing.

ChicagoPets and AnimalsNewsNear North Side