Victim of second dog attack sues Palatine for not euthanizing dogs involved in first deadly attack

The victim of a recent dog attack in Elmwood Park is now suing the village of Palatine.

Steve Heinz said his wife and their dog were attacked last month by the same pair of dogs accused of violently attacking two people and killing at least one pet in Palatine earlier this year.

"These dogs are essentially being trained to kill with nothing being done about it. What's going to happen to the next person?" said Heinz.

The attack happened on Aug. 20 when Aneta Heinz, 48, was walking her 4-year-old retriever mix, Piper Jo, near Wellington and 78th in Elmwood Park when the two dogs jumped out of a yard and knocked her down, attorneys said. 

MORE: 2 dogs registered as emotional support animals accused of deadly dog attack in Palatine will get to live

Both Heinz and her dog were injured.

The previous attack in Palatine happened on May 24 near Paddock Elementary School. A dog was killed, and two people and another dog were injured.

A judge told the owner of the dogs that they had to be moved out of Palatine as part of a plea deal.


Heinz claims the village of Palatine was negligent by not euthanizing the animals after a deadly attack. 

The dogs' owner is also named in the suit.