'Woodstock Willie' did not see his shadow — here's what that means

"Woodstock Willie" had his moment of fame Wednesday morning.

The event was the 30th since the infamous movie "Groundhog Day," starring Evanston actor Bill Murray.

The movie, of course, was filmed in Woodstock, Illinois.


Some good news from the event was that Willie did not see his shadow, so he is predicting an early spring.

However, "Punxsutawney Phil" in Pennsylvania said we're going to have six more weeks of winter.

FOX 32 asked one of the Woodstock event organizers which groundhog we should believe.

"Woodstock Willie is our local weather resident forecaster, so you gotta go with him," said Rick Bellairs.

He also said that the rest of the days of the year, Willie just lays low.