NASCAR Chicago Xfinity Race expected to resume Sunday

NASCAR in Chicago was cut short Saturday due to weather. The Xfinity Loop 121 began but was called off before it could finish. That race is expected to continue and the Cup Series Grant Park 220 will kick off a little earlier than previously scheduled.

NASCAR Chicago Street Race Weekend finally here

Many people are asking "why Chicago?" when it comes to the first NASCAR Street Race. Radio Host Ray Stevens says the explanation is simple, NASCAR has had a drive for diversity for a long time. The Chicago landscape will bring something new to the table and hopefully draw a more diverse spectator pool.

Gary Chicago Airport welcomes NASCAR teams

The Gary Chicago International Airport is providing a place for most of the NASCAR teams competing this weekend to fly in with their private charters. While Chicago's O'Hare and Midway are packed with holiday travelers, this Northwest Indiana airport is helping out during the big raced weekend.