Biden-Harris create White House office for gun violence prevention

The Biden-Harris Administration launched a new office for gun violence prevention, the first of its kind created on a federal level.

It's designed to address a decade of congressional in-action on gun control.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson was at the nation's capital for the announcement Friday afternoon. Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle was there too.

Preckwinkle released a statement saying the new office, "is a critical move to combat the devastating impact of gun violence on communities nationwide."

One man from Chicago shared his history with gun violence. Trevon Bosley's 18-year-old brother was shot outside a church when he was just 7 years old. 

That happened in 2006, and his killer has yet to be found. Since then Trevon has been on the front line of violence prevention in Chicago.

He's hopeful that the Biden-Harris Administration will be able to curb violence.

The new office will have four responsibilities, implementing the bi-partisan safer communities act, coordinating more support for family members, communities and survivors of gun violence. They'll be offering up financial help to get it done.

The Illinois State Rifle Association released a statement about the new office. 

"President Biden’s announcement that he is establishing the first of its kind White House office of gun violence prevention is a declaration of war against the 2nd amendment and sets in motion – using federal resources, an office that will be used to target law-abiding citizens and to promote unconstitutional assault weapons ban legislation that will convert many legal firearms into illegal firearms – in an effort to criminalize a citizen’s lawful right to bear arms."

The timing of the White House announcement comes as Biden's presidential reelection campaign heats up with violence being top of mind for the majority of voters.