Chicago Ford workers rally in support of UAW strike

The United Auto Workers strike is continuing to expand around the country, and now Chicago is feeling its effects.

U.A.W. Local 551 Chicago and its 5,500 members could be the next to walk out.

On Friday morning, they will find out if they are one of the targeted plants that will be called to go on strike.

On Thursday, they rallied outside the Union Hall. 

"We deserve everything that we’re asking for," said Nora Reeves, U.A.W. Local 551 member.

She is one of hundreds who are demanding a fair and equitable contract.

Local 551 President Chris Pena wasn’t surprised to see a big turnout at Thursday’s rally. He says this effort has been a long time coming.

"We haven't had a raise in eight to 10 years. We want to set a standard for the working class. Not be behind of wages like we've been for a decade," said Pena.

The strike is because workers want pensions to be brought back, cost-of-living allowances, higher wages and other concessions.

"Last year, $24 billion in profit, a 10% increase the year before. In 2019, $14 billion in profits. Ford Motor Company gets wealthier and wealthier, and they ask you to make the sacrifices," said Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs.

"If 551 is called upon, will you be ready?" asked Fox 32.

"Absolutely, I'm financially ready, physically ready, mentally ready, I'm so ready," said Reeves. 

Pena says plans will change if a tentative agreement is made with the automakers.