Downers Grove restaurant inducted into Hot Dog Hall of Fame
Scooby's in Downers Grove heads to Hot Dog Hall of Fame
A iconic suburban hot dog stand was inducted into the Vienna Beef Hot Dog Hall of Fame Wednesday. A big criteria for the award is community involvement and the team at Scooby's Hot Dogs in Downers Grove hits it out of the park.
DOWNERS GROVE, Ill. - A beloved Downers Grove hot dog stand is Vienna Beef's latest inductee into the National Hot Dog Hall of Fame!
Scooby's on Prince Street received that honor Wednesday morning at a ceremony, where officials from Vienna Beef presented owners with a commemorative plaque and customers were treated to free Chicago-style dogs.
Vienna Beef chooses inductees based on the quality of their dogs and their commitment to the community.

Scooby's has been checking both those boxes since it opened in 2002 with a perfect Chicago-style dog.
Vienna Beef launched the Hot Dog Hall of Fame in 2006 and Scooby's is its 150th inductee!