Buckingham Fountain comes to life with Switch on Summer event

One of Chicago's most recognizable summer landmarks was brought back to life Saturday afternoon. 

The Buckingham Fountain in Grant Park roared back to life during ComEd's 10th annual Switch on Summer event.

The fountain was switched on at 11:30 a.m. with much fanfare, including performances from Chicago artists, street vendors, art stations for children and food trucks.

The Buckingham Fountain, which has been open to the public since 1927, uses as much as 15,000 gallons of water per minute. The fountain's center jet can shoot water up to 150 feet into the air. 

The fountain puts on hourly 20-minute water shows during the day and special light and music shows at the top of every hour after dusk.

Buckingham Fountain usually remains active through mid-October.
