City removes nooses hanging from tree after Gage Park renters refused to take them down

Nooses found in a Chicago neighborhood are sparking outrage and fear.

Now, an alderman is taking the issue into her own hands.

A noose went up as part of Halloween decorations at a home in the 5800 block of South Artesian in the Gage Park neighborhood.

Chicago Ald. Stephanie Coleman was called about the issue days ago, and that's when the city showed up to give the renter a chance to remove it, or they would take it down. 

The people renting the home thought it was a joke, so they left the nooses hanging from a tree for 70 days.


There were no complaints until three days ago when a family moved in next door and wanted the racist symbols to come down.

The renters refused, and Ald. Coleman planned to take them down herself, but the city did the job.

"Here we are just days away from celebrating Dr. King's birthday, but we have this ugly reminder of the racist past. But I won't stand for this in the 16th ward. It ends today," said Ald. Coleman. 

The tree where the nooses were hanging is considered to be on city property. All the branches were cut, so nothing can hang from it anymore.

Gage ParkNews