Bill requiring all-day kindergarten programs sent to Pritzker's desk

A bill has been sent to Governor JB Pritzker's desk, proposing that all Illinois public school districts establish all-day kindergarten programs.

If signed into law, the legislation would be implemented gradually over a two-year period, allowing schools to pursue tax increases to support the transition.

The Illinois State Board of Education reports that nearly 80 percent of schools across the state already provide full-day kindergarten classes. However, this bill aims to ensure consistency and equal access to early education opportunities in all public school districts.

"It is important that we create equal access to education on every level," said Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood). "This measure will ensure all families in Illinois are provided with the same opportunities for their children early on."


The benefits of extended kindergarten hours provide young learners with additional time for social, emotional, and academic development.

If Pritzker signs the bill, Illinois will join the ranks of several other states that have made all-day kindergarten programs a standard practice.

EducationJ.B. PritzkerIllinoisNewsIllinois Politics