Elmhurst elementary student found with ammunition in classroom

An elementary student in Elmhurst brought three rounds of ammunition to school Wednesday morning, prompting a temporary soft lockdown.

Police were called to Visitation Elementary School around 9:30 a.m. after school officials reported a student brought three rounds of ammunition on campus.

The school, located at 851 S. York St., was placed on soft lockdown as police searched for weapons.

The student involved was removed from the classroom and searched. Three rounds of ammo were recovered but no other "concerning items," were found, according to police.


The soft lockdown was lifted and the school resumed normal operations.

Visitation Elementary School | Google Maps

Further investigation revealed the student brought the ammunition to show other students, police said. Another student told their parent and the parent relayed the information to school administrators.

Elmhurst police said they will maintain an additional presence during school arrival and dismissal.

Police are still investigating the incident.
