Mayor Emanuel gets an earful at city budget hearing

CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says he wanted to know what people think of his budget. But now, he may be wishing he never asked. 

Monday night, Mayor Emanuel got an earful from angry Chicagoans at the first city budget hearing. The meeting was advertised as a change for residents to speak their minds. And some people really let the mayor have it.

Hundreds of people expressed their dissatisfaction with city services, schools and taxes. 

"There's nothing on the West Side of Chicago that's worth thanking any elected official for. My child just had bus services cut. My property taxes just went up. My mortgage went up, also. I can't pull out of my garage. My streets are raggedy. I can't get my child to school unless I walk 15 minutes right now. Do we want to thank the mayor and all these hand picked dummies?" One angry resident said during the meeting Monday night. 

Other residents asked the city officials to place more police officers in their neighborhoods. And many people said they felt like their children's schools were getting shortchanged. 

For the most part, the mayor listened to the complaints quietly. 
