Chicago crime numbers: Johnson releases 2024 stats, touts city's progress

Mayor Brandon Johnson called 2024 a breakthrough year for Chicago, claiming some crime rates are at their lowest in a decade.

But some people are asking if the numbers truly reflect safety on the streets.

On Tuesday, Johnson said Chicago is ending 2024 with fewer murders, shootings, and victims than 2023, the lowest in a decade.

The city had 572 homicides this year, 43 fewer than the 615 in 2023. The Austin neighborhood had the most homicides with 47.

While the mayor highlights progress, these numbers only count incidents tracked by Chicago Police and exclude certain killings, like self-defense.

Johnson is optimistic about the numbers, but said there's still work to do.

While this year's work proves progress, we know there's still more work to be done," Johnson said. "We will build on these efforts and double down on the work that we've accomplished in 2024 and 2023. And to ensure success, it's going to take continued efforts from all of us across the city."

The mayor set a bold target for 2025 - cutting homicides to less than 500, a number Chicago hasn't seen since 2015.

He pushed for stronger community partnerships and neighborhood investment to keep the momentum going.

The Source: The details of this story were obtained during a Tuesday press conference held Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and the Chicago Police Department.

Crime and Public SafetyBrandon JohnsonChicagoNews