DNC preparations in full swing: Over 150 Democratic representatives gather at United Center

The President's visit to Chicago on Wednesday comes as the Democratic National Convention approaches quickly.

More than 150 representatives from Democratic allied groups were at the United Center Wednesday. The United Center is where the convention will hold its official proceedings and programming. 

Wednesday's gathering was a dry run of what's to come in August. 

The chair of the DNC said this is a very important time for the president and vice president, and the nomination is critical.

"This is the most important election of our lifetime. I will guarantee you this is the most important election of our lifetime. It might not be for you, but it is for your children and it is for your grandchildren. When we're talking about freedoms, when we're talking about abortion rights when we're talking about LGBTQ rights, when we're talking about all the rights and freedoms that we take for granted, they are all at stake," said Minyon Moore, Chair of the DNC.

The DNC is scheduled to take place from Aug. 19 until Aug. 22. 

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