How to protect your pets as frigid cold weather settles in across Chicago area

While you're getting bundled up go outside, your pets also need to be prepared to head out in these subzero conditions.

Winter can be a dangerous season for our four-legged friends. We're talking dogs and cats, and quick walks are the best in these temperatures.

However, it is not only the temperatures to worry about, but also the substances on the ground like snow melt, salt and other chemicals.

"Their paw pads are very sensitive, that just like exposed skin, especially when their walking on the snow, they could get very irritated and cold, so it's always a good idea to wash and wipe those off," said Darlene Duggan, Chief Operations Officer of the Anti-Cruelty Society.


We're told that if you notice your dog starting to lift their paws off the cold ground, or they are whimpering, that that's a sign to get them, and you, back inside quickly.

A good rule to follow is if it’s too cold for you, it's probably too cold for your pet.

Pets and AnimalsWinter WeatherChicagoNews