Refugees from Afghanistan begin arriving in Chicago

Afghanistan refugees are beginning to arrive in Chicago.

A local resettlement organization called "RefugeeOne" is working to relocate families to the Rogers Park and West Ridge neighborhoods.

"One of the families that we've been working with, they actually had a family member of theirs that was targeted and killed by the Taliban because of this family's involvement there, with the U.S.," said Jims Porter, the communications manager for RefugeeOne.


Porter says most of the individuals who are coming to the city supported U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

"So they’ve risked their lives to save American lives," he said.

Families will be processed at U.S. military bases before being flown to their final destination.

RefugeeOne provides housing, access to education and employment opportunities using funds from the federal government and private donations.

"It’s really a life or death situation for many," said Porter.
